Conley's Horse Photos

2022 Wheatleys July Ride


"Crash" and Timmie Wheatley invited the members of the Southern Indiana Draft Horse and Mule Association to their farm for a 2 day wagon ride on July 15th and 16th. Their plan was to ride on Friday and Saturday, so folks could head home on Sunday to get ready to return to work. Unfortunately, there were several of our regular riders who were unable to attend due to an outbreak of Covid that seems to have been spread around at the county fair the previous week. We only had 4 wagons on Friday and 3 on Saturday, but on Saturday, they were full. Despite the lack of attendees, everyone had a great time and Crash and Timmie have plenty of delicious leftovers to keep them fed this week. Overall the weather wasn't as terrible as it can be in mid July. There was some breeze and some light cloud cover for part of the day on Friday. We had a brief rain shower on Saturday morning that we were able to spend inside a large training barn belonging to some friends along the way. As usual at these events, we had several visitors who either rode with us or joined us in the evening to visit. (I suspect that some of them just come by to get a free meal!) We woke up early Sunday morning to thunder and lightning along with a real deluge of rain. Although there had been a lot of talk about the need for rain, I'm not sure that this downpour did much to help conditions as it fell so heavily that I doubt it had time to soak into the ground. Anyway I decided to hook up my trailer and get on the road before conditions got too difficult to drive out of the pasture where we were camped. I didn't get to say goodbye to our hosts, so I'll take this opportunity the thank the Wheatleys for providing great food and some really great times. I'm looking forward to the next club event in August!!



Click the link below to see over 200 photos from this event!

2022 Wheatley's July Ride ...

A DVD with a slideshow of all of the photos displayed for this event is available for $25 which includes shipping. 

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